
Photo of the Day | April 22, 2020


Spring has Sprung! Finally. : )

When you live further north, (in a northern state like Minnesota), spring shows up late compared to the rest of the country. On April 22nd, 2020 I took a brief hike with a friend of mine near the St. Croix river. The trees are budding, and some of the grass is finally getting greener, but signs of spring were few and far between.

That is until I looked down at the forest floor. Standing proudly above the litter of dry leaves and dead grasses I see these pretty little purple/violet flowers called Round-Lobed Hepatica.


This was captured around 2:30pm with my new Fujifilm X100V. I shot handheld at f/2 @ ISO 160. I tweaked the raw file in Capture One 20 using the Fujifilm Provia film simulation and added a soft vignette to finish off the image.

I also processed the above file in black and white and feel it would look awesome printed on metal, which will give it a look similar to a tin-type.

Magnoski_JMP0126_X100V BW.jpg